Yet another town opts for an Urbino 9 LE electric bus

Yet another town opts for an Urbino 9 LE electric bus
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Solaris will supply two electric buses to a new client. The town of Nowa Ruda has decided to purchase two low-floor Urbino 9 LE electric buses. This is a zero-emission, quiet and highly manoeuvrable model, which means it performs brilliantly in city spaces. The delivery of the e-buses is slated for mid-2024.

The town of Nowa Ruda has decided to purchase two low-floor Urbino 9 LE electric buses. Solaris Bus & Coach’s bid was selected in a tender entitled “Development of sustainable public transport in the commune of Nowa Ruda via the purchase of two electric buses along with the charging infrastructure”. The buses will run on a route connecting districts located on opposite sides of the town: Drogosław-Town centre-Słupiec. Delivery is slated for mid-2024.

“The signing of the contract for two state-of-the-art e-buses to be delivered to Nowa Ruda, is an event of great importance for us. We are delighted that Nowa Ruda has decided to start collaborating with us, joining a long list of 140 towns and cities from all over Europe with Solaris electric buses serving their urban bus routes. E-mobility is, undoubtedly, the future of transport. I strongly believe that the zero-emission buses that will soon roll out onto the town’s streets will bring numerous tangible benefits to its residents”, underscored Waldemar Wlazło, Sales Director for South-Western Poland at Solaris Bus & Coach.

“I am delighted to announce that we have signed a contract for the purchase of two modern electric buses. This is a significant step in our efforts towards sustainable development and environmental protection. The new vehicles will contribute to improving air quality and will positively impact the local community. I believe this is another step towards a cleaner and more environmentally-friendly future for our town. Apart from the environmental aspects, let’s not forget that the buses will be used to provide public transport services 7 days a week”, says Tomasz Kiliński, mayor of Nowa Ruda.

The buses will be equipped with a traction motor powered by Solaris High Energy batteries. They will be recharged via cable using a plug-in connector. The requisite charging device will also be supplied by the e-bus manufacturer. The average range of vehicles configured this way exceeds 200 km. The passenger capacity is at least 55 passengers, with seats available to 25 of them. The e-buses will boast, among other features, air-conditioning and heating, a video surveillance system and a passenger information system. Each vehicle will also be equipped with bike racks for four bikes, which is an unusual and rarely applied solution. They will be mounted on the rear wall of each e-bus and will be able to carry bikes with wide tyres (up to around 6 cm) as well as e-bikes (weighing up to 25 kg).

The town of Nowa Ruda is a new client in the manufacturer’s portfolio. So far, Solaris has delivered electric buses to 140 European towns and cities. The Solaris Urbino 9 LE electric bus model was launched in 2021. It is a low-floor vehicle that can be type-approved both as a class I and class II vehicle and has gained wide recognition among clients from Austria, Romania, Germany, Spain, Poland, and Italy.


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Informationen über Solaris

Solaris Bus & Coach sp. z o.o. ist einer der führenden europäischen Hersteller von Stadt- und Überlandbussen mit Schwerpunkt auf die Entwicklung von emissionsfreien Fahrzeugen, d. h. Elektro-, Wasserstoff- und Oberleitungsbussen. Dies bedeutet zugleich das breiteste Angebot an emissionsfreien Fahrzeugen auf dem europäischen Markt und die Position des Marktführers in diesem Marktsegment mit einem Anteil von 15,2%. Knapp 25.000 bisher gelieferte Solaris-Fahrzeuge sind bereits in 33 Ländern und 850 Städten in ganz Europa und außerhalb im Einsatz. Solaris ist Teil der spanischen Gruppe CAF (Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles) S.A. Vom Konzept über die Entwicklung bis hin zur Fertigung entstehen Solaris-Busse in Polen. Alle Aktivitäten des Herstellers stehen im Einklang mit seiner Markenbotschaft: „Wir ändern das Gesicht des ÖPNV“. Solaris ist auch ein aktiver Partner für städtische Verkehrsbetriebe und bietet ihnen umfassende Unterstützung bei der Umstellung auf emissionsfreie Mobilität.

Sonstige Informationen

Mateusz Figaszewski

E-mobility Development & Market Intelligence Director


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