Reporting system

Communication channel

We launched an internal reporting channel for the so-called Whistleblowers – people who noticed potential irregularities occurring in our organization.

It has been designed to protect the confidentiality of the reporting person's identity and to enable the handling of anonymous reports.

Anyone can report a violation.

By establishing the so-called Secure mailbox, the whistleblower, while maintaining confidentiality or anonymity, can report the violation and receive feedback.

Reporting system

Communication channel

Communication channel

What violations should be reported?

The system can be used to report violations of internal codes of conduct applicable at Solaris (e.g. the Solaris Code of Good Practice, CAF Group Code of Conduct), other provisions of the Internal Regulatory System or violations of the law, including issues related to:

• corruption,

• influence peddling (paid protection),

• protection of privacy and personal data,

• money laundering and terrorism financing,

• competition and consumer protection regulations,

• environmental protection regulations,

• labor law, occupational health and safety and fire protection,

• product safety,

• public procurement,

• transport safety.


If you have any questions about the whistleblower service or other questions regarding the compliance system in our organization, please contact our Compliance Officer:

The communication channel is launched within the implementation of the obligations arising from Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of persons reporting breaches of Union law (the so-called Whistleblower Protection Directive).