The city of Legnica purchases its first ever electric buses to be supplied by Solaris

The city of Legnica purchases its first ever electric buses to be supplied by Solaris
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The Municipality of Legnica have selected Solaris in a tender procedure to supply 6 e-buses. The manufacturer will deliver to Legnica the Urbino 12 electric vehicles along with charging infrastructure. They will be the first ever e-buses to ply the streets in the city.

Solaris Bus & Coach has signed a contract with the city of Legnica for the supply of 6 Urbino 12 electric buses. Additionally, the contract also includes the supply of a plug-in charging system. The battery-powered Urbino vehicles will be the first ever zero-emission vehicles in the city’s history. 5 electric buses and 3 plug-in chargers will be delivered in June 2024, and the sixth bus will be delivered in January 2025.

“I am really pleased that our e-vehicles will roll onto the streets of another Polish city and change the image of local public transport. This time, it is the city of Legnica that has joined a long list of towns and cities investing in innovative smart city solutions, which makes us particularly happy due to our long-standing cooperation. Thank you for the trust placed in the Solaris brand“, said Waldemar Wlazło, Sales Director for the Polish market at Solaris Bus & Coach Sp. z o.o.

“As we promised, we are implementing zero-emission transport in Legnica. This investment not only has an important social and economic dimension, but will also bring ecological benefits,” said Tadeusz Krzakowski, Mayor of Legnica.

Legnica city authorities have opted for six units of the Urbino 12 electric bus, which is the most popular model in the zero-emission Solaris’s portfolio. The buses will be equipped with a central electric motor and 280 kWh Solaris High Energy batteries. They will be adapted to charging using a plug-in connector as well as by means of an inverted pantograph lowered onto the roof-mounted contact rails. Pursuant to the signed contract, Solaris will also deliver three plug-in charging stations with a charging power of 120 kW.

The capacity of these low-floor three-door e-buses is at least 70 passengers, with seats available to 26 of them. E-buses will be air-conditioned and equipped with top-notch passenger information and video monitoring systems. Pursuant to the order, the Urbino 12 electric will feature an enclosed driver’s cabin.

Solaris is the undisputed leader when it comes to sales of electric buses in Poland. A total of nearly 700 Urbino electric buses already ply the streets in 57 Polish towns and cities.

First photo: Gosia Banaszkiewicz, UML 2023.

In the photo, from the left: Waldemar Wlazło, Sales Director, Solaris Bus & Coach, Krzysztof Duszkiewicz, Deputy Mayor of the City of Legnica, Tadeusz Krzakowski, Mayor of the City of Legnica.


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Informationen über Solaris

Solaris Bus & Coach sp. z o.o. ist einer der führenden europäischen Hersteller von Stadt- und Überlandbussen mit Schwerpunkt auf die Entwicklung von emissionsfreien Fahrzeugen, d. h. Elektro-, Wasserstoff- und Oberleitungsbussen. Dies bedeutet zugleich das breiteste Angebot an emissionsfreien Fahrzeugen auf dem europäischen Markt und die Position des Marktführers in diesem Marktsegment mit einem Anteil von 15,2%. Knapp 25.000 bisher gelieferte Solaris-Fahrzeuge sind bereits in 33 Ländern und 850 Städten in ganz Europa und außerhalb im Einsatz. Solaris ist Teil der spanischen Gruppe CAF (Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles) S.A. Vom Konzept über die Entwicklung bis hin zur Fertigung entstehen Solaris-Busse in Polen. Alle Aktivitäten des Herstellers stehen im Einklang mit seiner Markenbotschaft: „Wir ändern das Gesicht des ÖPNV“. Solaris ist auch ein aktiver Partner für städtische Verkehrsbetriebe und bietet ihnen umfassende Unterstützung bei der Umstellung auf emissionsfreie Mobilität.

Sonstige Informationen

Mateusz Figaszewski

E-mobility Development & Market Intelligence Director


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