Nobina expands its green fleet: via the addition of 55 Solaris electric buses

Nobina expands its green fleet: via the addition of 55 Solaris electric buses
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The Swedish public transport operator Nobina Stockholm has ordered as many as 55 Urbino 15 LE electric buses. The vehicles will be registered as class II vehicles and put into operation on suburban routes in the Stockholm region. Deliveries are scheduled for 2024.

Leading public transport operator Nobina, which provides passenger transport services all over Sweden, is continuing to invest in sustainable mobility. The company’s branch in Stockholm has placed an order with Solaris to supply 55 tri-axle Urbino 15 LE electric buses. The vehicles will be type-approved as class II vehicles and will carry passengers in suburban areas of the Swedish capital. Deliveries are slated for 2024.

‘We are pleased to enhance Solaris' position in the Swedish intercity segment through our partnership with Nobina. This contract is also significant for us because it implements zero-emission solutions in suburban transportation, which is crucial for the global mobility transformation. We are proud with trust and responsibility placed in us. The Urbino 15 LE electric is an excellent product, and we are thrilled that it will provide passengers with comfort on suburban routes while minimizing the climate impact’, said Javier Iriarte, CEO of Solaris Bus & Coach.

The Urbino 15 LE electric buses are low-entry, tri-axle electric vehicles that can be used both as city buses and on suburban routes. The heart of the driveline will be a 240 kW central motor, powered by energy derived from Solaris High Energy batteries with a capacity of over 550 kWh. The buses will thus be able to easily operate all day long, while at night they will be plugged in to charge.

The vehicles will also feature Mobileye Shield+ to provide maximum safety. This driver assistance system detects objects located in the blind spot of the vehicle and warns the driver using audible signals and messages on the dashboard.

The Solaris Urbino 15 LE electric will also be equipped with air conditioning, the Scandinavian package that adapts them to difficult weather conditions and with additional lightning above the door, outside the bus, to facilitate the boarding and alighting of passengers at dusk. The interior of the vehicles has been designed to fit 52 seats, including 8 seats with increased accessibility, i. e. without any additional steps, which is of great importance for people with disabilities and passengers with prams or pushchairs. An additional seat behind the driver will be a folding one specially earmarked for guide dogs for blind people.

Solaris is a European e-mobility leader in public transport. So far, the manufacturer has delivered over 2,000 battery-powered electric buses to its clients in 21 countries. Orders for another thousand vehicles are currently being executed.


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Informationen über Solaris

Solaris Bus & Coach sp. z o.o. ist einer der führenden europäischen Hersteller von Stadt- und Überlandbussen mit Schwerpunkt auf die Entwicklung von emissionsfreien Fahrzeugen, d. h. Elektro-, Wasserstoff- und Oberleitungsbussen. Dies bedeutet zugleich das breiteste Angebot an emissionsfreien Fahrzeugen auf dem europäischen Markt und die Position des Marktführers in diesem Marktsegment mit einem Anteil von 15,2%. Knapp 25.000 bisher gelieferte Solaris-Fahrzeuge sind bereits in 33 Ländern und 850 Städten in ganz Europa und außerhalb im Einsatz. Solaris ist Teil der spanischen Gruppe CAF (Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles) S.A. Vom Konzept über die Entwicklung bis hin zur Fertigung entstehen Solaris-Busse in Polen. Alle Aktivitäten des Herstellers stehen im Einklang mit seiner Markenbotschaft: „Wir ändern das Gesicht des ÖPNV“. Solaris ist auch ein aktiver Partner für städtische Verkehrsbetriebe und bietet ihnen umfassende Unterstützung bei der Umstellung auf emissionsfreie Mobilität.

Sonstige Informationen

Mateusz Figaszewski

E-mobility Development & Market Intelligence Director


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