More Solaris electric buses in Rzeszow

More Solaris electric buses in Rzeszow
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Rzeszow City Hall has opted to purchase further Solaris electric buses. The city government has just signed a contract for six Urbino 9 LE electric units. The value of the contract, which in addition to the delivery of the vehicles, also includes charging infrastructure, is more than 20 million PLN.

The Rzeszow city government has just ordered six 9-meter, low-entry Solaris Urbino electric buses. Along with the buses, the manufacturer has offered the city a full package of turnkey e-mobility solutions. The contract also includes the investment part, which involves designing and building the charging infrastructure. The ordered Urbino 9 LE electric will be delivered to Rzeszow at the end of 2023. These are not the first zero-emission buses from Solaris in Rzeszow. The buses will join 10 of the 12-meter electric buses, which have been serving city lines since 2019.

"The purchase of zero-emission buses fits perfectly with the city's climate-neutral policy. Today we signed a contract for the purchase of six electrics, but we are already thinking about making hydrogen buses the next vehicles of our public transport," said Konrad Fijołek, Mayor of Rzeszów.

"We are very pleased that yet another Solaris buses will boost Rzeszow's municipal fleet. We believe that by providing cities with zero-emission vehicles, and by offering ready-to-use charging infrastructure solutions, we facilitate the 'green transformation' of cities and make a real impact on the quality of life of their residents," said Krzysztof Musiał, Sales Director of the Southeast Region in Poland in Solaris Bus & Coach Sp. z o.o.

The Urbino 9 LE electric buses are to be equipped with an electric central motor and a Solaris High Energy batteries with a total capacity of 280 kWh. In addition to the standard plug-in system, the buses will be fitted with rails mounted on the roofs of the vehicles. The equipment will be used to charge the buses using inverted pantographs. The ordered model, thanks to its compact size, is ideal for large metropolitan areas. The bus efficiently navigates through crowded and narrow urban spaces. At the same time, despite its small size, the vehicle offers a significant number of seats, most of which are faced in the direction of the drive. The buses will be able to take as many as 65 passengers on board at a time.

Solaris is one of the European leaders of e-mobility solutions for public transportation. Today, more than 600 of Urbino electric buses operate on the streets of 52 Polish cities.

In the picture from left: Krzysztof Musiał, Solaris Bus & Coach, Konrad Fijołek, Mayor of Rzeszow
Photo: Grzegorz Bukała, Rzeszow City Hall


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Informationen über Solaris

Solaris Bus & Coach sp. z o.o. ist einer der führenden europäischen Hersteller von Stadt- und Überlandbussen mit Schwerpunkt auf die Entwicklung von emissionsfreien Fahrzeugen, d. h. Elektro-, Wasserstoff- und Oberleitungsbussen. Dies bedeutet zugleich das breiteste Angebot an emissionsfreien Fahrzeugen auf dem europäischen Markt und die Position des Marktführers in diesem Marktsegment mit einem Anteil von 15,2%. Knapp 25.000 bisher gelieferte Solaris-Fahrzeuge sind bereits in 33 Ländern und 850 Städten in ganz Europa und außerhalb im Einsatz. Solaris ist Teil der spanischen Gruppe CAF (Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles) S.A. Vom Konzept über die Entwicklung bis hin zur Fertigung entstehen Solaris-Busse in Polen. Alle Aktivitäten des Herstellers stehen im Einklang mit seiner Markenbotschaft: „Wir ändern das Gesicht des ÖPNV“. Solaris ist auch ein aktiver Partner für städtische Verkehrsbetriebe und bietet ihnen umfassende Unterstützung bei der Umstellung auf emissionsfreie Mobilität.

Sonstige Informationen

Mateusz Figaszewski

E-mobility Development & Market Intelligence Director


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