Mobility Move 2024: new version of the Solaris Urbino 12 electric bus debuts

Mobility Move 2024: new version of the Solaris Urbino 12 electric bus debuts
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Mobility Move 2024, one of the largest electric bus trade fairs and conferences in Europe, has kicked off in Berlin. Solaris is using this opportunity to present a new version of its best-seller, i.e. the Solaris Urbino 12 electric bus featuring an innovative propulsion design and new batteries providing an impressive range. This is yet another stride forward made by the manufacturer in the development of e-bus technology.

Mobility Move 2024 has been chosen for the official unveiling of the new Solaris Urbino 12 electric bus. The latest version of this model boasts superb performance parameters. The bus is remarkably efficient and practical, and perfectly responds to the changing needs of modern towns and cities.

Solaris’s new offering stands out due to its innovative propulsion design. The modular drivetrain has allowed the company to forgo an engine tower. This, in turn, has made it possible to arrange all the components on the roof more effectively as well as to enhance the passenger compartment. The new Urbino 12 electric bus can fit up to as many as 41 seats, which is 7 more compared to the previous version. The total passenger capacity now amounts to 100 people.[1]

The new Solaris Urbino 12 electric on display in Berlin has been equipped with new-generation batteries boasting a high energy density. The manufacturer offers carriers different configurations of battery capacity, all of which are roof-mounted. This state-of-the-art battery technology ensures all-day operability and efficiency. The bus showcased at the trade fair features six batteries mounted on the roof, with a total capacity of over 600 kWh. This configuration guarantees ranges of over 600 km.[2]

The Urbino 12 electric bus fulfils all safety standards, including new GSR2 and cybersecurity requirements that will enter into force in July 2024 for newly-registered vehicles.

At the same time, the bus maker has implemented various, already proven features specific for Solaris-brand vehicles. This allows the manufacturer to standardise its solutions, which facilitates, in turn, the servicing of vehicles.

It is also worth noting at this point that, out of all the models available in the bus maker’s range, the Solaris 12 electric bus enjoys particular popularity. So far, a total of 1500 units have been manufactured. This model successfully serves public transport passengers in over 120 towns and cities throughout Europe. The Solaris Urbino 12 electric bus was launched in 2011, and just a few years later it was the first ever electric vehicle to be awarded “Bus of the Year 2017” title.

The articulated version of this model, the Urbino 18 electric, featuring, like its shorter version, a modular drivetrain and new-generation batteries, was officially unveiled in autumn 2023 at the Busworld trade fair, and since then it has been arousing great interest among carriers from all over Europe.

Formerly known as ElekBu, Mobility Move 2024 in Berlin is a three-day event bringing together public transport sector stakeholders. The trade fair, now in a new format, is dedicated to public transport of the future. This year, it focuses on autonomous driving.

We kindly invite you to visit our company’s booth no. 72, in the Exhibition Hall of the Estrel Hotel from 5th to 7th March. See you there!

[1] 100 people (for 300kWh batteries) is the maximum passenger capacity in Italy, France and Spain – giving a GVW of 20t

  94 people (for 300kWh batteries) is the maximum passenger capacity pursuant to European provisions – giving a GVW of 19.5t

[2] Based on the energy consumption in SORT 2-tests


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Informationen über Solaris

Solaris Bus & Coach sp. z o.o. ist einer der führenden europäischen Hersteller von Stadt- und Überlandbussen mit Schwerpunkt auf die Entwicklung von emissionsfreien Fahrzeugen, d. h. Elektro-, Wasserstoff- und Oberleitungsbussen. Dies bedeutet zugleich das breiteste Angebot an emissionsfreien Fahrzeugen auf dem europäischen Markt und die Position des Marktführers in diesem Marktsegment mit einem Anteil von 15,2%. Knapp 25.000 bisher gelieferte Solaris-Fahrzeuge sind bereits in 33 Ländern und 850 Städten in ganz Europa und außerhalb im Einsatz. Solaris ist Teil der spanischen Gruppe CAF (Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles) S.A. Vom Konzept über die Entwicklung bis hin zur Fertigung entstehen Solaris-Busse in Polen. Alle Aktivitäten des Herstellers stehen im Einklang mit seiner Markenbotschaft: „Wir ändern das Gesicht des ÖPNV“. Solaris ist auch ein aktiver Partner für städtische Verkehrsbetriebe und bietet ihnen umfassende Unterstützung bei der Umstellung auf emissionsfreie Mobilität.

Sonstige Informationen

Mateusz Figaszewski

E-mobility Development & Market Intelligence Director


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